U Hájovny 187/2,
25101 Říčany - Strašín
Prodej a montáž
- topenářský a plynoinstalační materiál
Prodej a montáž
- vodoinstalační materiál

  • plynoví kotle, kondenzační kotle, dotace na výměnu kotlů, montáž potrubí, komponenty pro kotle a topení, bojlery, průtokové ohřívače
  • radiátory ústředního topení, radiátory plynového topení, radiátorové ventily, radiátorové kohouty, pojistné topné ventily, odvzdušňovací ventily
  • instalatérské výrobky, vodoinstalatérské trubky, vodoinstalatérské tvarovky, vodoinstalatérské uzavírací armatury, vodoinstalatérské příslušenství

Czech Companies
Heating equipment, fittings and pipes, Heating material, Plumbing material

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Czech producer of PE plastic pipes with record-breaking delivery times

Are you searching for a producer and supplier of PE plastic pipes for outdoor pressure distribution of drinking and non-potable water, sewage systems, water service lines, laying of cables or wells’ supply? Then we recommned you to contact the LUNA PLAST a.s. company, a Czech producer of plastic pipelines with a tradition since 1998. They are experts solely on this field, with a testing laboratory of their own, where the plastic pipes are manufactured in the most modern machines.

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Are you searching for a producer and supplier of PE plastic pipes for outdoor pressure distribution of drinking and non-potable water, sewage systems, water service lines, laying of cables or wells’ supply? Then we recommned you to contact the LUNA PLAST a.s. company, a Czech producer of plastic pipelines with a tradition since 1998. They are experts solely on this field, with a testing laboratory of their own, where the plastic pipes are manufactured in the most modern machines.