Sokolovská 45/16,
18600 Praha 8 - Karlín
Pi w Ro, s.r.o. offers professional services in property management and maintenance. We provide complete implementation and maintenance of gardens and water garden areas. We will also take care of eg establishing or maintaining lawns. We also provide regular cleaning of buildings. We provide all services in Prague and the surrounding area.

 - building management and maintenance
 - Gardening and flower service
 - design, implementation and maintenance of greenery and gardens
 - hygienic and cleaning service.

Realization and maintenance of gardens, services:
 - establishment and maintenance of greenery all year round
 - establishing and maintaining lawns, cutting grass
 - planting: plants, flowers, ornamental shrubs, ornamental or fruit trees
 - hedge shaping
 - cutting of fruit trees, cutting of trees, pruning
 - garden buildings, pergolas
 - establishment of a pond, water or bathing garden area
 - garden architecture.

Hygienic and cleaning service:
 - regular cleaning of office buildings, restoration equipment, houses, flats
 - minor maintenance of buildings
 - general cleaning after reconstructions, painters and the like
 - emergency cleaning
 - high-pressure washing of facades up to approx. 6 m in height, tiles and wall coverings
 - cleaning of upholstery, seats and carpets in buses.

If you are interested in our offer of services, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you with the realization or maintenance of your garden. You can find us at Sokolovská 45/16, Prague 8 - Karlín.

  • úpravy zahrad, úpravy parků, pozemkové úpravy, výsadba stromů a keřů, zakládání stromořadí, ošetření trávníků, travní koberce
  • realizace veřejné zeleně, projekty okrasných zahrad, koupací jezírka, montáž automatického zavlažování
  • úklid firemních prostor, úklid domů a kanceláří, čištění koberců, vysávání, mytí oken, mytí kuchyňské linky, utírání prachu, mytí koupelny a WC

Czech Companies
Landscape, park and garden design, Garden design, Cleaning services