Tatenice 68,
56131 Tatenice
The company TERPES, MVDr. Stanislav Skula deals with waste management, especially from medical facilities and pharmacies throughout the Czech Republic. In the field of elimination of addictive substances (opiates), we are one of the few companies of this kind in the Czech Republic.

- waste management from healthcare, pharmacies
- waste management from school laboratories
- elimination of addictive substances (opiates)
- delivery of certified waste containers (volume 60 liters)
- we will take the waste by our own transport
- we will provide assistance in the legislative provision of waste issues.

We have been operating on the market for more than 15 years.

We also communicate in English.

  • odpadové hospodářství, svoz odpadků, úprava druhotných surovin, železné a neželezné kovy, likvidace autovraků
  • recyklace odpadů, nakládání s odpady, likvidace odpadů, třídění plastů, třídění papíru, třídění kovů, třídění bílého skla, třídění barevného skla, sběr baterií

Czech Companies
Waste handling and waste storage, Waste recycling and disposal