U Chaloupek 14/13,
18200 Praha 8 - Ďáblice
The company KAMI s.r.o. deals with the production of inspection doors and the sale of building materials.

We have many years of experience in the production of inspection doors, we can now satisfy most of our customers. In the field of inspection door production, we can offer you above-standard services and first-class products. Our many years of experience in the production of inspection doors allows us to produce inspection doors in high quality and tailored to your wishes and requirements.

Production, delivery, sale:
- plasterboard inspection door - designed for all plasterboard systems
- inspection door for masonry - suitable for all masonry constructions (ytong, block, porotherm, brick and other masonry)
- inspection door under the tiling, the so-called invisible door can be used in bathrooms, washrooms, toilets and other areas where tiles and tiling are used
- fireproof inspection door - you can use it wherever you need to ensure access to the fire department
- facade inspection door - this is an inspection door intended primarily for outdoor spaces
- customized inspection doors - shape, size, material according to customer requirements

The doors are made of aluminum frames. The outer frame folds for easy fitting in the existing opening and the inner hinged frame allows us easy access to inspect the wiring behind the building structures. The inspection door is equipped with locks, which allow us to open and close the door again when squeezed. The inspection door is fitted with a plasterboard as standard.

We also offer a wide range of building materials such as plasterboard systems, insulation and insulating materials, integrated building systems, facades and paints, mortars and facings and much more.

  • barvy na stěny, fasádní barvy, fasádní omítky, barvy na kov, barvy na dřevo, barvy na střechy, tónovací přípravky, barevné spreje, průmyslové nátěry
  • stavební materiály, prodej sypkých materiálů, umělý kámen a cihla, betonové směsi, prodej stavebnin
  • kovové okenní profily, dveřní hliníkové profily, kovové stavební konstrukce, okenní výplně, izolační dvojskla
  • odolnost vůči teplu, elektroizolační vlastnosti, sklená vata, pryžové těsnící desky, odolnost vůči teplu, povětrnostní vlivy
  • montáž sádrokartonových konstrukcí, sádrokartonové podhledy, sádrovláknité desky, tmely pro montáž sádrokartonu

Czech Companies
Paints, varnishes and coatings, Bricks, stone, cement, sand, Metal and aluminium windows and doors, Insulating material, Plasterboard