Na Kopaninách 278,
53361 Choltice
In the foothills of the Iron Mountains, we grow and then offer various types of fruit for wholesale and retail sales. In our assortment you will find, for example, a wide range of apples, peach pears, plums, cherries, sour cherries and other fruits from our own production. We grow the offered fruit with an integrated cultivation system. We are also a member of the regional East Bohemian Fruit Growing Union. You can buy the products we grow in the Agricultural Complex in Svinčany.

  • prodej ovoce a zeleniny, sušené plody, exotické ovoce, ořechy a oříšky, kořenová zelenina
  • sladké jedlé plody, vitamíny a minerály, zdravá strava, tropické a subtropické plody, ovoce mírného pásu
  • produkce zeleniny, kořenové a plodové rostliny, ledové saláty, mrkve, rajčata, papriky, kedlubny, ředkvičky, kořenová zelenina, brambory

Czech Companies
Fruit and vegetables, Fruit, Vegetables