EDB recommends

Malecká 221,
53705 Chrudim - Chrudim IV
The company deals exclusively with the issue of energy savings in the business and public sectors. The main activity is the processing of energy audits, energy assessments, proposals for technical measures leading to energy savings, processing of energy performance certificates of buildings, inspections of boilers and heat distribution, documents for the implementation of energy management system according to ČSN EN ISO 50001, energy concepts and all other documents resulting from the Energy Management Act No. 406/2000 Coll. as amended, including its implementing regulations. The company IVS - Energetické poradenství, s.r.o. is a collective member of the Association of Energy Auditors - Energy Specialists, z.s.

  • projektování a montáže VVN, energetická úspora, dodávky energie, zabezpečení dodávek energií, fotovoltaická energie

Czech Companies