Hostinského 1076/8,
15500 Praha 5 - Stodůlky
Company EAS Envimet ČR, s.r.o. is one of the leading suppliers of state-of-the-art technical solutions in the field of environmental and security technologies. Our offer includes environmental monitoring instruments as well as safety X-ray systems from proven manufacturers. We provide consultation, project preparation, delivery and maintenance of equipment, of course there is professional training in the workplace and in our classrooms.

Environmental technology, delivery, service:
 - air quality monitoring instruments
 - instruments for measuring air in industrial areas
 - gas analyzers
 - analyzers for carbon, nitrogen compounds
 - analyzers for sulfur compounds
 - dust measurement, dust concentration measuring instruments
 - aerosol analyzers
 - gas chromatographs
 - mobile, stationary air quality monitoring systems.

Security technology, delivery, service:
 - X-ray control systems
 - screening of persons at checkpoints
 - luggage screening
 - cargo screening
 - screening for air freight
 - explosive trace detectors.

Our company EAS Envimet ČR, s.r.o. is a regional exclusive distributor of L-3 systems and a regional distributor of Teledyne API (TAPI).

All other information about our company can be found on the website. We are based in Prague.

  • elektrická zabezpečovací signalizace, venkovní zabezpečovací systémy, mechanické zábranné systémy, posouzení bezpečnosti
  • barometry, optické přístroje, ohřev a temperace, sušení a sterilizace, laboratorní armatury, laboratorní nádoby
  • převodníky snímačů teploty, bimetalové teploměry, ukazovací a registrační přístroje, tlakové senzory a manometry

Czech Companies
Checking and safety equipment, Laboratory equipment, Measuring and control equipment

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Nowadays, electricity meters are an essential part of our lives. We need them to measure our electricity consumption in residential houses, living quarters and administrative buildings, and they are also vital, for example, for energy management systems. Therefore, it is great to have a supplier you can rely on and which can deliver such devices every time you need them.