Armády 214/22, 15500 Praha 13 - Stodůlky Revision - electrical work - low current distributions Construction - lightning rods
Products elektroinstalace pro novostavby, elektroinstalace pro rekonstrukce, domovní vedení elektroinstalace, montáže hromosvodů, revize elektro Czech Companies Electrical work
Chropyňská strojírna, a.s. Industrial conveyor equipment - conveyor lines, conveyor systems, the Czech Republic
Chropyňská strojírna, a.s. Effective welding and assembly lines for the automotive industry - the Czech Republic
Chropyňská strojírna, a.s. Production of cubing, control products for checking of assembly parts the Czech Republic
Chropyňská strojírna, a.s. Design, production of injection moulds for plastics, plastic parts, moldings, the Czech Republic
ELMEP s.r.o. Data communication Kralupy nad Vltavou - perfect knowledge of this field the Czech Republic