Lhota za Červeným Kostelcem 428,
54941 Červený Kostelec
We provide comprehensive services from development, through production, supply of materials and parts according to the requirements and needs of our customers.

- sheet metal
- thin-walled profiles
- steel, aluminum, stainless steel, plastic products
- surface finishes

  • zámečnické služby, služby kovovýroby, výroba plotů, výroba mříží, výroba zábradlí, výroba schodišť, úprava kovů
  • anodická oxidace, broušení a leštění, dekorativní chromování, aplikace nátěrových systémů, galvanické pokovování spojovacího materiálů

Czech Companies
Locksmith work, Metal surface finish treatment

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Wiegel CZ žárové zinkování s.r.o.

Protecting materials from unfavorable external factors is never an easy task. We can try to keep coating them with appropriate agents and paints over and over again, but we will never achieve a one hundred percent result. After some time the paint will again peel off or start to rust. Protection against rust is a challenging task for professionals, such as the Wiegel company employees. They focus on surface treatment of steel, using hot-dip galvanising – this technique will solve your problems once for all. It is a guaranteed protection against corrosion for several decades forward and without any further maintenance.