Táborská 714/25, 61500 Brno-Židenice Production and service of seals: -for hydraulics -tire -rotation movement.
Products výroba gumových pásů, klínové řemeny, distribuce gumových profilů, gumové podložky, gumové těsnicí pásky Czech Companies Rubber belts, hoses and seals
Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o. Production of rubberised grooved rubber rollers with a wide range of advantages - Czech Republic
Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o. Rubberizing of rollers, pulleys, wheels, drums, the Czech Republic
Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o. Building bladders for the production of tires - for both cars and trucks, the Czech republic
Black, brown coal of a first-class quality, briquettes, coke, supply, sale Znojmo, the Czech Republic BOŠ spol. s r.o.