Ferrerova 644/33,
61800 Brno
-advertising printing on paper hygiene and additional assortment.

Plastic utensils for the microwave.
Plastic tableware replacing glass.
Colorful plastic tableware.
Plastic utensils suitable for children.
Quality plastic dishes.
Hardened plastic tableware.
Durable plastic tableware.
Plastic party utensils.
Plastic dishes for fingerfood.
Plastic utensils for catering.

We offer many colors and shapes. Utensils for catering and parties. Stylish replacement for classic dishes.
The dishes are made of hardened plastic. Plastic tableware is suitable for children.

Billing address:
-Ferrerova 33, 618 00 BRNO.

  • potřeby pro domácnost, kuchyňské vybavení a pomůcky, keramika a porcelán, nožířské výrobky, jídelní soupravy
  • prodej reklamních předmětů, potisk reklamních předmětů, dárkové balení pro reklamní předměty
  • ozvučovací technika, party stany, lavice, mixážní pulty, zábavné atrakce, realizace ohňostrojů, skákací hrady
  • digitální tisk, barevný tisk, černobílý tisk, sítotisk, tisk pracovních dokumentů, potisk textilu, kopírovací služby, velkoformátový tisk
  • registrační papíry, papírové role a kotoučky, samolepicí etikety, obálky a formuláře, ubrousky a thermoetikety

Czech Companies
Dishes and kitchen utensils, Promotional items, Party equipment and entertaining attractions, Printing works, Stationery, Paper products

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iMi Partner, a.s.

We know that non-traditional advertising can appeal a large number of potential customers without any further effort. It is sufficient to capture attention of only a single person who will become enthusiastic about the original idea. Just they can be a key link for establishment of future collaboration. However, how to attract attention to this extent that your brand will start to spread like an avalanche? Original promotional items are really ideal means.