Ladova 10,
77900 Olomouc
In our lighting and design studio, we focus primarily on meeting the requirements of our clients, to whom we want to provide a pleasant environment for a happy life. We focus on designs and implementation of luxurious interiors and exteriors.

Design, implementation, sales, assembly:
- furniture production
- furniture
- the kitchen
- dining rooms
- living rooms
- children's rooms
- dressing rooms, custom-made wardrobes
- wardrobe systems
- sofas
- bedroom
- bathrooms
- shielding technology
- table, standing lamps
- handmade lamps
- lighting
- lighting measurement
- floor coverings
- blinds
- curtains, drapes
- decorative accessories.

Shielding technology:
- sewing curtains and drapes
- blinds
- fabric blinds, blackout, Roman, outdoor blinds
- screen blinds
- Japanese walls
- Outdoor blinds
- curtains
- curtains
- curtains and drapes for hotels
- awnings
- non-flammable curtains
- non-flammable curtain rods
- garnishes
- decorative rods.

- bathroom
- interior
- ice cold
- economical
- modern
- garden
- outdoor
- built-in
- profound
- seated
- children's
- office
- industrial
- technical.

Floor coverings:
- wooden, vinyl floors and tiles
- Self-leveling floor
- marble floors
- full-surface, piece carpets
- colorful, children's carpets
- leather carpets
- carpets with fur
- veneered floors.

- leather sofa sets
- custom-made seats
- corner, folding seats
- relaxing, leather seats
- variable, adjustable seats and armchairs.

Consultation, advisory service, sales visualization:
- interior and exterior designs
- complete supply of interiors and exteriors
- matching colors and surfaces
- lighting designs including implementation
- technical calculations and lighting measurements
- sales advisory service
- 3D visualization of the interior.

Import of branded furniture:
- Italy
- Germany
- Spain
- France
- Holland.

  • masivní parkety, podlahová prkna, podlahy z exotických dřevin, mozaiky na podlahu, pokládka palubek, podlahová lepidla
  • textilní podlahové krytiny, dovoz koberců, kusové koberce, celoplošné koberce, zátěžové koberce, pokládka luxusních koberců
  • koupelnové skříňky, věšáky do koupelny, koupelnové doplňky, koupelnová zrcadla, police do koupelny
  • kuchyňské linky, kuchyně na míru, závěsné skříňky, rustikální kuchyně, horní výklopné skříňky
  • sedací soupravy, čalouněné židle, houpací křesla, rozkládací pohovky, sedačky a sofa
  • odkládací prostory, úložné prostory, vestavěné skříně do chodeb, úložné prostory do předsíní, skříně z masivu
  • montáž žaluzií, látkové rolety, vertikální a horizontální žaluzie, svislé clony, stínění zimních zahrad, sítě proti hmyzu
  • noční lampičky, stolová svítidla, koupelnová osvětlení, osvětlení interiéru, venkovní osvětlení, úsporné žárovky

Czech Companies
Wooden floors, Carpets, Bathroom furniture, Kitchen furniture, Seat furniture, Cabinets and storage facilities, Roller blinds, Venetian blinds and awnings, Lighting and lights, Architectural and design services, Soft furnishings, Household textiles