Všestudy 40,
43111 Všestudy
The village of Všestudy is located in the district of Chomutov in the Ústí nad Labem Region, about 6.5 km east of the district town of Chomutov. It is located at an altitude of 317 m above sea level and covers an area of 5144 ha. Currently, 182 inhabitants live in the village. Everywhere they have a rich past, the origin dates back to the 12th century. The first written records of the village date from 1325.

- The ruins of the Church of St. Michael the Archangel.

Village facilities:
- municipal library
- park
- water supply
- sewerage
- gasification.

There is also a pond in the village, which is waiting for cleaning and repair of the dam.
We plan to complete the sewerage system and expand the wastewater treatment plant.
We are a neat and happy village.

  • přidělení čísla popisného, evidence obyvatel, správa místních poplatků, legalizace a vidimace, městská a obecní policie
  • výpůjčka knih, registrace nových čtenářů, půjčovna časopisů, bibliograficko-informační služba, rešerše literatury, rezervace knih

Czech Companies
Regional, city and municipal authorities, Libraries