Kolínská 203,
28002 Veltruby
The company Luboš Stránský offers its customers comprehensive tiling work. We provide installation of interlocking and stone paving, construction of fences, walls, stairs made of palisades and many other activities. We are located at Kolínská 203, Veltruby. We operate within the Central Bohemian Region and its surroundings, mainly in the Kolín region.

Work, craft:
- tiler
- tile.

Laying, construction, realization:
- interlocking paving
- stone pavement
- communication
- fences, fences
- stone tiles, paneling
- stone walls, walls
- stairs.

Another services:
- excavation work.

Are you looking for an experienced and reliable tiler in the Kolín district? Then do not hesitate to use the services of Mr. Luboš Stránský.

  • kuchyňské obklady, koupelnové obklady, keramické obklady, obklady do exteriéru, venkovní dlažba
  • pokládka obkladů a dlaždic, velkoformátové obklady, obkládání schodů, spárovací hmoty, silikonové tmelení obkladů, obklady koupelen

Czech Companies
Facings and pavements, Tiling work