Brněnská 700/25,
50006 Hradec Králové
Prodej značkových autobaterií BANNER, FAAM a YUASA do osobních, nákladních automobilů, motocyklů, pracovních strojů a agrotechniky.
Prodej příslušenství k automobilům. ROZVOZ po HK, PCE a blízkém okolí (cca 20 km)ZDARMA.
Rozvoz po celé republice kurýrní službou + 100 Kč.
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The company BERAN JIŘÍ autotransport has been in business for more than 25 years. Although the company focused primarily on national transport in the beginning, it has extended its services to include international transport due to strong client demand. Today, it is one of the leading companies in the field, with a large vehicle fleet, its own storage space including handling equipment as well as a large number of professional employees.