Střelničná 1861/8a,
18200 Praha 8
Purely Czech company IZOLTECHNIK CZECH s.r.o. deals with the construction of office buildings and civic buildings (canteens, kindergartens, schools). Furthermore, revitalization and reconstruction of brick and panel apartment buildings. We are based in Prague and České Budějovice, so we operate in the Central Bohemian and South Bohemian regions and especially in Prague.

In our services you will find mainly building insulation, repairs, supply and installation of new loggias and balconies, insulation of sloping and flat roofs. In addition, we also deal with the production and installation of aluminum or plastic entrance and balcony doors, windows, reconstruction of common areas of apartment buildings, creation of project documentation, all engineering activities, which may include the processing of occupations or building permits, surveying. We also deal with the modification or removal of buildings, the provision of static faults in the house, waterproofing, reconstruction of central heating or elevators, construction of new elevators.

In the area of reconstructions of common living spaces, we perform the reconstruction of cellars, stairs, corridors, replacement of railings, interior paintings, laying of floor coverings or bells and boxes. We also perform locksmith work - grilles and cages, door frames and doors, hooks for bicycles, mats, ramps for strollers, replacement locks.

We provide thermal insulation with a thermal insulation composite system - ETICS.

Line constructions - laying of electrical and telecommunication networks, landscaping of sidewalks, paths and parking spaces, construction or excavation of water supply and sewerage networks.

Flat roofs - flat glued or mechanically anchored foil systems, waterproofing screeds and coatings, asphalt modified strips.

Pitched roofs - fired, fiber cement and concrete coverings, asphalt shingles.

The company IZOLTECHNIK CZECH s.r.o. has been on the market since 1996, thanks to which it has many years of experience. As part of our work, we can handle up to 60 building reconstructions per year.

  • prodej hliníkových oken, montáž kování na dveře, tříkomorový systém hliníkových oken, montáž tepelně izolačních oken
  • plastové dveřní profily, montáž plastových oken, vchodové plastové dveře, vytlačování plastů, okenní doplňky, dveřní kování
  • izolace střech, izolace teras, izolace spodních staveb, izolace proti stékající vodě, tepelné izolace
  • pokládka podlahových krytin, exteriérové a interiérové podlahy, plovoucí podlahy, korkové a dřevěné podlahy, parkety
  • opravy střech, klempířské práce, pokládka střech, výměna střešní krytiny, pokládání falcované krytiny
  • vodní chlazení, podlahové topení, kotelny, plynové kotelny, rozvod topení, instalace termostatických ventilů, výměna a repase měřičů tepla
  • projekt rodinných domů, projektová dokumentace, digitalizace technické dokumentace, projekce a stavební dozor, projekty bytových domů, developerská činnost
  • inženýrské stavby, nákupní centra, veřejné budovy, administrativní centra, kanceláře, zdravotnická zařízení, nákupní centra
  • rekonstrukce bytových jader, sádrokartonářské práce, kompletní elektroinstalační práce, modernizace bytu
  • elektrické statické zdvihací plošiny, vysokozdvižné naklápěcí vozíky, nůžkové zvedací plošiny, elektrické tahače, jeřáby a kladkostroje

Czech Companies
Metal and aluminium windows and doors, Plastic windows and doors, Insulation work, Flooring work, Roofing and plumbing work, Heating work, Design work in building industry, New non-residential construction, Reconstruction and revitalization, Lifting equipment, cranes and assembly platforms

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Lab & Pharma, spol. s r.o.

These services are provided by Lab & Pharma, spol. s.r.o., which is capable of comprehensively providing you with machines and instruments for medical applications. They not only operate in the field of healthcareand in the field of pharmaceutics, but can also provide equipment for operating theatres or other specific laboratories. The company has existed since 1991. Its first activities were related to the machinery industry. Later on, the focus of the company shifted more towards the health care and pharmaceutics sectors. Nowadays, the company possesses all the necessary modern equipmentand special technologies.

Lab & Pharma, spol. s r.o.

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