Koněvova 1107/54,
13000 Praha 3 - Žižkov
The three-star Hotel Bona Serva is located near the center of Prague and provides fast tram or bus connections to the city center. The hotel has a beautiful view of the park Vitkov and Petrin and near it are two parks suitable for relaxation. You can stay in a triple, double and single room or apartment. You can find us at Koněvova 1107/54, Prague.

Services, accommodation:
- three star hotel
- one triple room
- seven double rooms
- one single room
- apartment
- cafe
- conference and lounge
- Wi-Fi
- parking.

The hotel building is from the time of the old Žižkov, which is the historical part of Prague.

We are looking forward to your visit.

  • stravování v hotelu, rodinné oslavy, svatby, konference, pokoje a apartmány, ubytování
  • kongresové centrum, firemní akce a workshopy, školicí místnosti, konferenční služby, firemní ubytování
  • prodej dortů a zákusků, dorty na přání, cukroví pro diabetiky, káva a teplé nápoje, káva bez kofeinu, zmrzlina, zmrzlinové poháry, nanuky

Czech Companies
Hotels, Congress and business tourism, Confectioner's shops and cafés

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ELIO garni ***

Are you organizing a training and looking for some suitable facilities? Then contact the State Veterinary Institute Prague whose training center with accommodation capacity is offered exactly for such purposes. There is a lecture hall, a business lounge or a computer room at your disposal, as well as laboratories. If you are interested, we can also organize lessons, trainings or educational programs.