Revoluční 833,
69102 Velké Bílovice
Locksmithery, metalwork, locksmith, metal fabrication, tool shop, metal working, metal cutting, metals, welding work, CO2, MIG, TIG welding.
Fitter work, black steel, stainless steel, non-ferrous metals.
Turnkey halls, warehouses, erection of halls, erection of warehouses, prefabricated steel halls, production of halls, construction of halls, production of steel structures, steel constructions, steel halls, production and warehouse halls, jacketing, sheathing.
Plumbing / tin work and roofing.

Dismantling of structures, racks, shelves, machinery.

Transport systems, roll tables / roll ways, transport lines.
Belt conveyors, roller conveyors, chain conveyors, lamellar conveyors, bell conveyors, palletization systems, palletizers.
Windows, doors, gates, staircases, railings, porches, platforms - architectural metalwork.

Stainless containers for wine, tanks, mills, ginning mills, tools and equipment for wine growers.
A possibility of grant mediation.

Work within the whole Czech Republic, abroad - Austria, Romania, Belgium, Russia, Ireland.

Wine bar "U presu", Ms Barbora Cechova - telephone: +420 777103931
Training room for about 30 people + sitting around 80 people.

  • kované ploty, kovové brány, posuvné kolejové brány, pohony pro kovová vrata, otočné kovové brány, kovové ploty
  • drobné nářadí, hrábě, lopaty a hrabla, motyky a kultivátory, nůžky, ochranné pomůcky, substráty a mulče
  • opravy po vloupání, drátěné a bezpečnostní sklo, okamžité otevírání všech typů vozidel, výměny zámků a spínacích skříní
  • svařování zábradlí, svařování hliníku a oceli, pevnost sváru, metody tig a mag, svařování regálů, opravy svařováním, svářečské práce
  • manipulace s materiálem, zdvižné a nájezdové plošiny, nakládací rampy, vysokozdvižné vozíky, korečkové elevátory
  • shrnovače píce, obraceče píce, příkopové vyžínače, kombajny, sklizňové linky, vály, kompaktomaty
  • ocelové konstrukce balkonů, ocelové konstrukce hal, ocelové konstrukce fotovoltaických elektráren, ocelový městský mobiliář, kovové schody

Czech Companies
Metal gates and fences, Gardening tools and accessories, Locksmith work, Welding work, Transport and handling equipment, Agricultural machinery, Steel structures and metal stairs, Metal packaging

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Kovo Novák

Brewers can hardly work without quality hops. They are an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of beer, one of the most favourite Czech drinks ever. At the same time, however, it is important to use the hops effectively during their processing, for we do not want to loose not even a single drop of their characteristic aroma which provides beer with its unmistakable flavour. Breweries tend to compete with each other in terms of the modern production technologies, as well as with sticking to the traditional procedures. Your production can be improved by the hop pellet line from the Kovo Novák company.

Kovo Novák

In the recent years pellets have become a very popular way of heating. However, for the idea of a home production of pellets seems rather complicated, people mostly prefer to buy them. A significant amount of organic waste that we produce in our companies or households however does not have to go down the drain – thanks to the new pelletizing line for homemade pellet production from the KOVO NOVÁK Jan Novák.