Sezemická 2757/2,
19300 Praha - Horní Počernice
- storage and picking equipment
- shelving systems
- pallet racks
- shelf racks
- falling dynamic and static shelves
- console shelves
- plastic crates and BITOBOXES
- large-format BITBOXES
- accessories for warehouses

Implementation of the order:
- consultancy
- production
- project planning
- expedition
- assembly
- after-sales services

BITO shelving systems:
- shelves with a shelf bottom with a plug-in or screw system
- racks with large shelves
- wide racks
- racks with high load capacity
- multi-level racks
- dynamic shelves

BITO dynamic racks:
- connection of transport technology and computer technology
- shelving systems with slats, roller tracks and rails

Storage systems:
- we also manufacture reservoirs according to the client's individual requirements
- trays for every use
- return containers
- trays
- trays in pallet size
- storage bins
- transport containers
- production of containers takes place in modern injection presses

  • vysokozdvižné vozíky, zdvižné plošiny, nájezdové plošiny, nakládací rampy, pásové dopravníky, válečkové dopravníky, kladkostroje
  • nářaďové skříně, dílenský nábytek, skladovací systémy, skladovací konstrukce, skříňky na nářadí
  • celoplastové rodinné bazény, plastové vodoměrné šachty, septiky z plastu, plastové jímky, plastové zásobníky

Czech Companies
Transport and handling equipment, Furniture for workshops and warehouses, Plastic tanks and reservoirs

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