68756 Pašovice
We perform:
- ground and excavation work (excavator)
- landscaping (front loader)
- loading of materials and others
- delivery, import and removal of sand, clay, rubble, concrete, etc. (lorry)
- wooden briquettes made of pure wood with a high calorific value
-eco fuels, ecological fuel.

  • vnitrostátní kamionová doprava, tuzemská přeprava nadrozměrných nákladů, služby pojištění odpovědnosti dopravce
  • kopání vodovodů, kopání kanalizací, výstavba inženýrských sítí, výstavba pozemních komunikací, stavba chodníků, terénní úpravy
  • bezvodý kvasný líh, metylester mastných kyselin, směsná motorová nafta, rostlinný olej, upravený bioplyn
  • hnědé a černé uhlí, koks a brikety, pevné palivo, dřevěná polena a piliny, štěpky a peletky

Czech Companies
Inland freight transport, Earthwork and excavation work, Biofuels, Solid fuels

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PODHAJI s.r.o.

Wooden elements can embellish every household, no matter in which form you choose them to be. Flooring, panelling, staircase, furniture or, for instance, kitchen. In all cases, you should choose well, to make sure that the products come from a truly first-rate seller. And what is it that determines the quality of these products? Of course mostly the materials they are made of. That is why you should look at the supplier as well. One of such suppliers of material for leading Czech manufacturers is also the Podhaji company, a family business that belongs among the major producers of wooden elements in the Czech Republic.