Sokolovská 521,
57001 Litomyšl
Wholesale and retail sales:
- Hand painted paintings, printed paintings and other interior paintings
- hand painted oil paintings turned off in
wooden blend frame, paintings printed on high quality linen
- picture sets
- reproduction of famous paintings
- picture frames and framing
- paintings and screens in various sizes and motifs:
- floral motifs
- portraits of men and women, human figures
- children's motives
- still life, landscapes
- abstract motifs.
We offer all hand-painted paintings in three basic sizes, which are 50 x 60 cm, 60 x 90 cm and 90 x 120 cm.

  • vybavení interiérů, dekorace do bytu, umělé květiny, květináče a vázy, obrazy a fotorámečky, svícny a aromalampy

Czech Companies
Home accessories