Jičínská 167,
50711 Valdice
Hydro isolation.
Waterproofing of buildings and remediation of wet masonry:
Old buildings:
-horizontal sealing of masonry against
rising humidity
-surface insulation from mineral sealant
New buildings:
-squeegee insulation from modified
solvent-free resins,
- trowel mineral insulation from
special cements
-squeegee insulation made of artificial resins.

Waterproofing of flat roofs:
-tales of damaged bitumen
flat roofs
-regenerative coatings
-regenerative coatings
- protective coatings.

Protection of natural stone
- sandblasting
- with a bow
-from green algae and lichens
-from old coatings.

Hydrophobic surface protection:
-ensures that into the porous substrate
(sandstone, limestone, marl, visual
brickwork, exposed concrete)
water and grease did not penetrate.

Industrial and decorative floors:
-floor repairs
-decorative floor coatings
- industrial floor coatings
- troweled and coated floors.

  • izolace spodních staveb, opláštění budov, tepelné izolace, zvukové izolace, izolace bazénů, protihluková izolace, izolace střech, izolace proti chemikáliím
  • pokládka podlahových krytin, exteriérové a interiérové podlahy, plovoucí podlahy, korkové a dřevěné podlahy, parkety

Czech Companies
Insulation work, Flooring work