Fr. Kadlece 10,
18000 Praha 8
The company EKONOPRINT represents a modern furnished printing studio with a focus on the complete design and implementation of most printing materials.
The experience during the company's existence is extensive, we have already graphically edited and printed a number of catalogs, leaflets, brochures, magazines, but also many small publications, e.g. business cards, tickets, stationery. We also have experience with finishing production such as die-cutting, embossing, lamination, etc. Ekonoprint differs from most similar companies in particular by its perfect customer service, which consists from the beginning in timely and error-free execution of the order, acceptable price and transport to the customer . An equally important part of our offer is the appropriate use of communication trends - the Internet, which minimizes the time required to process orders even over long distances.

  • předtisková příprava, příprava tiskovin, sazba tiskovin, výroba propagačních materiálů, grafické práce, designové služby
  • ofsetový tisk, digitální tisk, polygrafická výroba, tisk katalogu, tisk novin a časopisů, tisk etiket, tiskárna

Czech Companies
DTP studios, Printing works