Bohunická 493/81, 61900 Brno Exclusive representative of the German manufacturer of industrial pumps Allweiler AG Radolfzell for the Czech Republic. INDUSTRIAL PUMPS: -pumping technology CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS: -pumping of neutral liquids, chemicals, heat transfer oils and media. SCREW PUMPS: -pumping of lubricating oils, emulsions, contaminated liquids. SINGLE SPINDLE PUMPS: -pumping of wastewater and chemicals with high specific gravity -crushing of impurities carried by the liquid.
Products vysokotlaká čisticí technika, tlaková čerpadla, kalová čerpadla, pístové kompresory, šroubové kompresory Czech Companies Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment
Georgia - čerpací technika s.r.o. Sale, service, repairs and design of pumping equipment, pumps, the Czech Republic