Na Bečvě 1388,
75131 Lipník nad Bečvou
Metal fabrication, production, delivery:
-full production of parts on below mentioned equipment according to customer's demand or delivered drawing documentation
-surface finish treatment both electrogalvanizing and hot-dip galvanizing.

Material cutting:
-band saw PEGAS 235 AUTOMAT NC 02
-band saw MOD FLASH 220 MAN 60.
Cutting and blanking:
-hydraulic combined machine NELSON INC IRONWORKER 25T
-punching, cutting of round bar, cutting of flat rod, blanking.

Grinding and grinding-out:
-belt grinding machine ZOPF AL 100U
-radius grinding
-grinding and deburring.
Drilling and milling:
-drilling and milling machine HU 25DM
-pedestal drilling machines TYPE V20B and TYPE E1516B.
Welding MIG/ MAG:
-welding machines - KIT 251
-MAGSTER 273 automatic
-MAGSTER 2800.
-Wholesale, retail trade:
-WIFI equipment
-aerial and satellite equipment
-wireless device WLAN
-WIFI interconnecting cables
-coaxial cables
-poles and aerial holders GALVA
-protective casings
-power supplies
-aerials TV, DVB-T, CDMA, GSM, FM.

  • elektroinstalační materiál, pokojové termostaty, datové rozvaděče, jističe, chrániče, svítidla a světelné zdroje, vypínače a zásuvky
  • satelitní přijímač, dekódovací karty, čtečka karet, počítačové karty, konvertory a přepínače, paraboly a zesilovače
  • strojírenský výroba, obrábění a soustružení, přesné obrábění kovů, třískové obrábění, CNC obrábění
  • svařování hliníku a oceli, pevnost sváru, svářecí služby, metody tig a mag, svařování CO2, svařování plastů
  • konstrukce pro průmysl, kovové konstrukce, strojírenské práce, výroba kovových zařízení, výroba nástrojů

Czech Companies
Wiring material, Satellite and antenna equipment, Machining, turning and milling work, Welding work, Engineering plants and metal fabrication

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Přidal s.r.o.

Electric cars are an increasingly popular and modern mode of transport that offers many advantages for the environment, economy and health. However, they require special conditions and care, especially during their transportation. If you are looking for a practical and reliable conveyor for your immobile electric car, for whatever reason, read about the transport trolleys for electric cars from Přidal s.r.o., which provide a number of advantages.


Machines and weldments made-to-order or according to the customer’s documentation, quality machining and fitting works. All of that is included in the services offered by the Strojírny Olšovec, located in Olšovec near Hranice na Moravě. A good engineering work has not disappeared yet. Strojírny Olšovec employs almost sixty highly qualified machinists, fitters and technicians, who do everything to make you fully satisfied with the results of their work.