EDB recommends

Škroupova 957/4,
50002 Hradec Králové
Termolan CZ s.r.o. provides a complete service to industrial companies in the field of professional adhesive technologies.

We cooperate with leading distributors of adhesives and applicators.

Termolan supplies products under their own brands: Thermolan and Termik.
We represent the world's leading manufacturer Valcomelton and the manufacturer of Dural adhesives

We support the following industries:
- packaging industry
- labeling
- timber industry
- Automotive
- construction industry
- hygiene products
- bookkeeping
- electronic industry
- pharmaceutical industry

Current offer:
- glues
- applicators
- complete service.

  • karborany a jejich deriváty, bazénová chemie, nauhličovadla a uhlíkaté materiály, čisticí prostředky, ředidla a rozpouštědla

Czech Companies
Industrial chemicals