Production, sales for wholesale customers,
retail customers, online store:
- PROBIOSTAN probiotic-type supplementary feed
-feed for breeding rodents (mice, rats, chinchillas, ...)
-BIOSTAN feed mixtures and supplementary feeds for livestock and domestic animals
-are intended for breeders of pigs, ruminants and waterfowl and rabbits who have their own sources of farm feed, such as cereals, root crops and fodder
- by mixing cereal scraps, they can be used for the simple home production of complete feed mixes for different species and categories of animals
- when added to mixes from farm fodder in the traditional feeding method, they balance the content of all nutrients to the level of need for the animals in question
- when using them, it is not necessary to give the animals any other mineral and vitamin feed preparations
-with their nutrient content, they supplement the nutrients in farm feed to a level that prevents the occurrence of animal health disorders caused by deprivation, such as e.g. rickets, softening of the bones, perosis, cracked eggs, etc.
- the use of BIOSTAN significantly increases the productivity of animals and improves their health.