Aubrechtové 3118/8,
10600 Praha 10
Solving PC problems, network management, consulting in HW and SW:
- long-term contractual management of data networks
- outsourcing of IT systems
- supply of comprehensive IT solutions
- preparation of projects and consulting in the field of IT
- construction of data and telecommunication networks
- supplies of branded, computer, telecommunications and
security techniques
- workshop repairs of computer technology
- rental of spare equipment
- Internet connection
- data rescue
- programming
- mass cleaning of computer equipment.

Possibility of repairs both at home and in the company.

  • pc sestavy, hry a konzole, notebooky a tablety, čtečky paměťových karet, flash disky, klávesnice a myši
  • kopírky, tiskárny, skenery, stolní počítače, projektory, notebooky, faxy, laminátory a termovazače, kalkulačky, počítačový software
  • poskytování internetového připojení, internet pro domácnosti, internet pro živnostníky, internet pro velkoodběratele, bezdrátové připojení k internetu
  • zálohování počítačových dat, instalace softwaru, instalace PC komponentů, servis počítačů, zřízení interní PC sítě, software na zakázku

Czech Companies
Computers and accessories, Computing and office machinery, Internet connection, Programming and computer services

Current offers

Current articles


A good event will be talked about for a week afterwards. A great event will be remembered for a long time. Although, so little is sufficient to achieve perfection - to contact SAN SERVICE company. Who are we? A professional agency engaged in organizing of conferences having style. Make sure of that as well.