EDB recommends

Generála Svobody 219/17,
46014 Liberec
Prodej, návrhy a realizace:
- osvětlení
- svítidla
- elektromontáže

  • interiérová a venkovní svítidla, lampy a lustry, bodová světla, světelné zdroje, led osvětlení
  • opravy a výměny jističů, opravy spotřebičů, rekonstrukce elektrických rozvodů, rozsáhlé montáže a revize, instalace jističů

Czech Companies
Lighting and lights, Electrical work

Current offers

Current articles

Ing. Josef Chlum - ELITE BOHEMIA

You will hardly find a more traditional light fitting than a Czech crystal chandelier. Crystal lightings have a long tradition here, and that is also what the ELITE BOHEMIA company realized. In 1996 the company decided to continue the Czech tradition and started manufacturing Czech crystal chandeliers, crystal lamps and other light fittings. Nowadays it belongs among the most significant domestic producers of such lightings and gains success all around the world.