Kárníkova 6,
62100 Brno - Řečkovice
Gastronomy and shops:
-equipment for preparation
- heat treatment and delivery
-pizza program
-cooling and freezing technology
-small equipment.
Slaughter and meat production:
-the thruster and the stun pincers
- de-bristles and helmets
- bisecting, dividing saws
- skin pullers
- spraying equipment
- massage device not cooled
- cooled massage device
-meat cutters
-meat cutters and dicers
-meat cutters with mixing
-meat mixers and cutting equipment
- ice makers
-reservoirs for ice makers
- manual mechanical fillers
-hydraulic fillers
- vacuum fillers
-clipping device
- electric boilers
- smokehouses
- table packages
-vacuum packages
- packing line.
Stainless steel program:
-sinks, wash basins with wheel control
- stainless steel tables
-stainless steel furniture
-hooks, hooks and brackets
- handling carts
-containers for pastries and delicacies
-containers for meat and meat products
- plastic plates
- sleepwear.
Hygiene and sanitation:
- HACCP stainless steel program
- detergents
- foaming device
- self-winding drums
-brooms, brushes and wire brushes
-brooms, brushes, handles, squeegees
-scrapers, copyist and spatula
-ergonomic bars
-shovels and shovels
- wall brackets
- detergents and accessories
-washing agents for cars
-insect traps
- thermometers for HACCP
-recording thermometers for HACCP.
Working tools:
-gloves, aprons, helmets
-working shoes
- work shoes - wellies
-work outfit.
Spices, ingredients and packaging:
- spices and marinades.

  • mrazící zařízení, mrazicí boxy, spirálové mrazírny, tunelové mrazírny, vysokorychlostní mrazáky, expanzní ventily, kondenzační jednotky, kompresorové jednotky, chladicí centrály
  • gastro nádobí, ohřívače knedlíků, konvektomaty, horkovzdušné trouby, velkokapacitní sporáky, krouhače, chladící a mrazící boxy
  • váhy pro maloobchod, pokladní boxy, etiketovací zařízení, registrační pokladny, automatizační technika
  • konzervárenské stroje, mlékárenské stroje, pekárenské stroje, plničky a dávkovače, potravinářské lisy
  • dílenský nábytek, skladovací regály, kovové skříně, manipulační vozíky, skříňky na nářadí, přídavné police

Czech Companies
Refrigerating and cooling equipment, Machinery and equipment for gastronomy, Machines for shops, Food processing machinery and equipment, Furniture for workshops and warehouses