Štěrboholská 37,
10200 Praha 10
The company TECOM spol. s r. o. was founded in 1991 as an exclusively Czech company without the participation of foreign capital.
Our company focuses on the field of computer technology, specializing in the supply and implementation of computer networks and related components, including operating systems. In 2001, there was a significant expansion of activities, and the range of activities today represents an almost complete range of services in the field of information technology. Since 2003, we have started offering new services in the field of Microsoft® product training, English language courses, presentation and communication skills.
We also provide supervision over the operation of computer technology in companies and remote management of networks.

  • profesionální notebooky, dotykové notebooky, herní notebooky, ultrabooky, PC sestavy, tablety, servery
  • pc komponenty, kopírky a tiskárny, počítače a skenery, počítačový software, telekomunikační zařízení, kalkulačky a databanky
  • vývoj software, tvorba her a aplikací, softwarové produkty, instalace operačních systémů, přeinstalace operačních systému, obnova ztracených dat

Czech Companies
Computers and accessories, Computing and office machinery, Programming and computer services

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