Rychnovská 408,
19900 Praha 9 - Letňany
ISO 9001

Renovation, recycling:
-toner cartridges for laser printers and desk-top document copying machines
-cartridges for ink printers
-ribbons for needle printers.
Sale, retail trade, wholesale:
-new articles of consumption for laser printers and copiers, ink printers,
needle printers
-toner cartridges, cartridges, laserjet, ink cartridges, inkjet, ribbons for needle printers
-special paper, foils and self-adhesive labels/adhesive tapes for laser printers and copiers, ink printers and needle printers.
Service and maintenance:
-laser printers
-ink and needle printers.

  • pc komponenty, kopírky a tiskárny, počítače a skenery, počítačový software, telekomunikační zařízení, kalkulačky a databanky
  • papír do tiskáren, pořadače a spisové desky, odkládací mapy a boxy, děrovačky a sešívačky
  • registrační papíry, papírové role a kotoučky, samolepicí etikety, obálky a formuláře, ubrousky a thermoetikety

Czech Companies
Computing and office machinery, Office supplies, Stationery, Paper products

Current offers

Current articles


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