Mariánská 38a,
14000 Praha 4
Fitness center (fitness center):
-gym-exercise machines and
rehabilitation, against back pain
and improving fitness.
- the possibility of an individual program under
professional guidance
-aerobics-classes focused on burning
fats, strengthening problem areas
-fitness exercises according to the wishes of the clients
- health exercises practice the whole
body and relieves tension, improves
posture and spine.
Sale-equipment and clothes for fitness.

Custom woodworking:
- wooden toys, boxes
- small advertising items as desired

  • výroba nábytku na míru, kuchyňské linky, stoly, knihovny, šatní skříně, postele, patra na spaní, kancelářský nábytek
  • horizontální a vertikální solária, solární studio, bronzové opálení, UV záření
  • posilovací stroje a činky, cardio zóna, běžecké pásy, pronájem sálů, aerobic, jóga, zumba, pilates, bodyform, bosu, taneční hodiny, pole dance

Czech Companies
Joinery work, Solariums, Fitness centres and muscle-conditioning gyms