Hrdlořezská 41/15,
19000 Praha 9 - Hrdlořezy
The company TELSTAR spol. s r.o. was founded in 1993 as an assembly company focused on performing assembly work in the field of electronics, both low and high current. During its activities, it has implemented contracts in all the above areas, see. attachment.

The company has all the equipment needed to perform low-current and high-current installations up to 1 kV, whether it is internal or external distribution. By this we mean hand tools, measuring equipment, transport equipment, etc.

  • rozvody silnoproudu, rozvody elektroinstalace, opravy elektrorozvodů, servis elektrozařízení, rozvody zvonků, rozvody domovních telefonů, příprava rozvodů STA, příprava připojení internetu

Czech Companies
Electrical work