Cejl 1,
60200 Brno
You can find the full width of the electrical installation material in our store in Brno. We specialize in piece wiring material. You can choose everything from the supply box to sockets and switches.

Complete range of electrical installation material: circuit breakers, circuit breakers, motor starters, contactors, relays, fuses, surge protection, plastic switchboards, fuse boxes, light sources, luminaires, extension leads, limit switches, microswitches, electricity meters, transformers, heaters, thermostats, capacitors, carbons, lightning conductor material, wiring boxes, instrument switches, batteries, accumulators, solders, cover strips, goosenecks, wires and cables and more.

After agreement with you, we will prepare a complete order, including order items.

  • materiál k domovním elektroinstalacím, spínače, vypínače, zásuvky, hlásiče kouře, regulátory, vidlice, adaptéry
  • interiérová a venkovní svítidla, lampy a lustry, bodová světla, světelné zdroje, led osvětlení
  • odporové snímače teploty, termoelektrické snímače teploty, bimetalové teploměry, manometry, snímače hladiny, měřidla průtoku, měřidla tepla, regulátory tepla

Czech Companies
Wiring material, Lighting and lights, Measuring and control equipment