Kšírova 242,
61900 Brno
Export, import, wholesale (quality storage):
- a complete range of fresh fruit, vegetables and dried fruit service
-import and export of fruit and vegetables
- deliveries to wholesale customers
-complete delivery services to supermarket chains
(complete packaging program, training, information material, recipes)
-supplies for hotels, restaurants and catering companies
- distribution of fresh goods at the required time and temperature
- deliveries of special exotic and packaged goods
- complete banana ripening technology
- a complete product packaging program
-Cash & Carry
-own transport
-logistics services.

ISO 9001 (2000) certificate holder

HORTIM International, spol. s.r.o.
Velkotržnice Lipence, 156 00 Prague 5

HORTIM International, spol. s.r.o.
Provozní 1, 722 00 Ostrava Třebovice

HORTIM International, spol. s.r.o.
Mostecká 178, 362 32 Karlovy Vary

HORTIM-SK, s.r.o., Bratislava, Při Šajbách 1, 831 06

  • reprezentativní balení, obalové materiály, dárkové předměty, celofánové sáčky, barevné papíry
  • přímý import ovoce, exotické ovoce, brambory, saláty, sezónní zelenina, bylinky, suché plody

Czech Companies
Wrapping services, Fruit and vegetables