Turn-key solution providing of customer's communication environment comprehensive of LAN, MAN, WAN and VSAT networks.
Realization of large network through fixed lines using VSAT stations.
Products and services offer:
-LAN solution
-private branch exchanges supply.
Data services:
-data transmission, voice transport and image/picture transmission
-services of public data network G-NET
-Frame Relay, X.25, VSAT, Internet, Turbo Internet services, Package Delivery and Multimedia through high-speed access of DIREC PC service
-solution of wireless networks WLAN, WiFi, MAN, WAN, ATM, ISDN, FWA 26 Hz, terminal units.
Object technology:
-object safety systems EZS, CCTV, EKV
-BMS, BAS systems for object automation.
IP Telephony.