Vintrovna 389/1,
66441 Popůvky
-special materials from SikaGmbH
-epoxide, polyurethane cheeks
-Biresin resin, block materials
-SikaBlock for the production of sheet metal forming tools, casting molds, foundry models and cores
-mother molds for ceramics, hobbies and artistic use
-creation of protective anti-abrasive and anti-vibration layers
-fillers, separators, wax foils
-introduction of new technologies
-design materials
-TecClay, ProfilClay, ReproSystem scanning systems
-design tools, planchets
-leaf materials with higher heat resistance
-importer of acrylic, casting and laminating systems from SEWA CRYL.

  • chemikálie pro průmysl, víceúčelové chemikálie, ropné produkty, průmyslová ředidla, průmyslové fosfáty, odmašťovací kapaliny

Czech Companies
Industrial chemicals