Production, sale, distribution:
-building chemistry BALCHEM:
-additives, damp-proofing, special chemistry
-antifreezers - accelerators
-concrete and mortar admixtures:
-MALPLAST mortar plasticizer
-BETPLAST concrete plasticizer
-BALSAN prevents from stains, moulds, salts formation
-anti-freeze additives:
-WINTERZIM non-chloride additive, accelerators
-damp-proof spatulae:
-KOUPIZOL damp-proof asphalt mixture
-DUROFLEX damp-proof two-pack coating
-WATERIZOL damp-proof system in powder form
-special chemistry:
-PENETRACE water dispersion of styrene acrylate copolymer
-BALPEN EX, BALPEN HOBBY concentrated impregnant for wood prevention and preservation against wood-destroying insect, fungi and moulds.