Kulkova 4001/4,
61500 Brno - Židenice
Reliable e-shop OKENTES, spol. s r.o. It offers wholesale window, door, panel and self-adhesive seals throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In addition to sealing elements, you can also get fittings and thresholds for windows, doors, gates and barrier-free entrances from us.

We offer you only first-class products, the quality of which is verified by renowned Czech and foreign testing laboratories

Gaskets and sealing elements:
- sealing profiles into the groove
- non-stick sealing profiles
- self-adhesive seal
- sealing flexible brushes
- sealing strips for doors and cars
- facade silicone tapes.

Installation of windows:
- illbruck system
- expansion tapes illmod
- window foils
- system for suspended installation of windows
- sealing the joint of facade structures
- Purenite - insulation of thermal bridges
- accessories.

Self-adhesive, non-adhesive tapes:
- one-sided adhesive
- double-sided adhesive
- spacers
non - adhesive tapes and tapes.

Construction chemicals, adhesives:
- PUR foam
- one-component, two-component sealants
- adhesives
- chemical anchors
- hydrophobicizing preparations
- pool chemicals
- technical sprays
- moisture and odor absorbers.

Connecting and anchoring material:
- Dowels
- steel anchors
- screws and bolts
- anchor plates
- glazing pads
- repair and connecting elements for wood
- accessories for the installation of cladding frames.

Floor material:
- transition rails and profiles
- base and insulation strips.

Tools and instruments:
- cordless tools
- power tools
- tools
- accessories.

Packaging material:
- wrapping foil
- protective profiles
- tarpaulins
- bags and sacks
- strappers and binding tapes.

Protective equipment:
- ear plugs
- gloves
- glasses
- respirators
- clothes.

Fire program:
- tapes
- PUR foams and sealants
- cuffs.

Construction profiles and accessories:
- window cleaning profiles
- ventilation grilles
- FINPROTECT children's finger protection
- protective profiles.

In the product range you will also find spray adhesives in a canister and aluminum multi-layer repair laminated tapes suitable for cold weather brand Venture Tape.

Deliveries of goods are intended for manufacturers, construction companies, craftsmen and trade!
Catalog 2018 for companies for free - apply on the web!

You can visit our other branches in Valašký Meziříčí, Prague and for Slovak customers also in Žilina.

  • ruční nářadí, elektrické nářadí, aku nářadí, dílenské nářadí, nářadí pro kutily, vzduchové pneu nářadí
  • šrouby a vruty, matice a podložky, nýtovací komponenty, klíny a pera, pojistné kroužky, kotevní technika
  • produkty pro lepení, speciální čisticí prostředky, sanační materiály, ošetření povrchu, kontaktní zateplovací systémy, stavební hmoty a omítkoviny
  • zámečnická výroba, bezpečnostní závory, cylindrické vložky, petlice a řetězy, druhy zámků, dveřní kování
  • gumové výrobky, těsnicí materiály, technická pryž, gumové těsnicí prvky, těsnění topenářství a instalatérství
  • ochranné oděvy, ochranné přilby, chrániče sluchu, ochranné roušky, prodej respirátorů, pracovní obuv, brýle a masky
  • železářské zboží, dveřní závěsy a zavírače, okenní a dveřní těsnění, dveřní zámky, cylindrické vložky

Czech Companies
Tools, Connecting material, Building chemistry, Keys and locks, Hardware, Ironmongery, Rubber belts, hoses and seals, Protective working aids, Building fittings, Plastic packaging and films