Libušina třída 1,
62300 Brno - Kohoutovice
-příhradové palety
-drátěné vložky do palet
-drátěný program (stojany, koše,
cigaretové boxy, regály, kuchyňské doplňky
-regálové systémy průmyslové,
kancelářské, pro použití v domácnosti
-kovová zábradlí.
Prášková lakovna.

  • eloxování a fosfátování, galvanické niklování, broušení a leštění, moření a pasivace, cínování a černění
  • vybavení prodejen, konstrukce obchodních regálů, drátěné sítě, drátěné koše, distribuce reklamních stojanů
  • strojírenská výroba, zpracování kovů, ocelové konstrukce, stavební zámečnictví, svařování konstrukcí, obrábění kovů

Czech Companies
Metal surface finish treatment, Wires and wire programme, Engineering plants and metal fabrication

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TOS ZNOJMO, akciová společnost

Precision is the key to success in the manufacture of many products. Such products must be created under special conditions. A typical example of these products are gear wheels for conveyor belts, electromotors or machine-tools, that simply have to be manufactured with absolute precision. Only then can they fulfill their purpose without any complications. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right manufacturing company with a quality machinery, experience and competent employees.

AR Brno, spol. s r.o.

Sectors such as power engineering, water management, chemical industry or gas industry, they are all important for functioning of each state. However, those who are not technically educated rarely have an idea of what products are really used in these industries and also that there are companies, in our country, with long tradition, which are engaged in this issue. One of such companies is AR Brno founded in 1996. It was established on the basis of many years of experience of founding members specialized in flanges and pipe components, without which technical equipment in industries cannot exist. They specialize in production of not only flanges in city of Miroslav which is also known for its wine-growing tradition.