Our company STK Nepomucká s.r.o will check the condition of your car, we will take care of emissions measurement, technical inspection (STK) and other services related to the operation of the vehicle, services are based on an individual approach to customers.
Technical inspections:
regular, stipulated by Act No. 56/2001 Coll.
-L1, L2, L3 - motorcycle
-M1 - passenger car
-N1 - truck
-O1, O2 - braked trailer + special
Informative tours:
- are carried out as inspections informing about the technical condition of the road vehicle, without marking the result of the inspection in the technical certificate and without affixing the control sticker to the registration mark
Inspection of imports and for insurance companies
Measurement of emissions:
- regular emission measurements, as stipulated by Act No. 56/2001 Coll.
Eco-friendly plaques:
-sales of ecological plaques to ecological zones in Germany according to the valid decree
- To carry out emission measurements, it is necessary to have a Technical Certificate (large TP), a small TP and a Vehicle Registration Certificate (ORV).
- You need the same documents to perform the technical inspection. The vehicle does not necessarily go to the owner, just someone who will have the necessary documents.