EDB certified

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Trnkova 125 Staňkov 34561

Soukromá Střední odborná škola a Gymnázium BEAN, s.r.o.

Private secondary vocational school and Gymnázium BEAN, s.r.o. is a private school, where it is currently possible to study in the form of full-time, distance and post-secondary studies. Our school is located in Staňkov, Domažlice district.

The school has a long tradition. It was founded in 1995. Since 2003 it has its own building

Full-time study, 4 years old, completed by school-leaving examination:
 - grammar school-humanities
 - operation of diplomatic services
 - Tourism
 - computer graphics
 - public administration and law
 - business (extension 2 years).

Distance learning, 4 years, graduated with:
 - public administration and law
 - operation of diplomatic services
 - Tourism
 - Municipal Police Officer
 - business (extension 3 years)
 - municipal police officer (3-year extension).
 - pre-school and after-school pedagogy, 4-year study and 2-
   shortened years of study

Apprenticeships, 3-year full-time study, completed by apprenticeship certificate:
 - chimney sweep
 - chimney sweep (1 year shortened study).

Post-secondary studies, 1 year:
 - Tourism
 - computer graphics
 - public administration and law
 - operation of diplomatic services
 - floristka
 - architect of gardens.

We also organize various adult education and retraining courses at our school.

Soukromá Střední odborná škola a Gymnázium BEAN ve Staňkově

Studenti denního studia mají možnost získat prospěchové stipendium!

Studentům zajistíme přípravu ke studiu na vysokých školách v ČR i v zahraničí

Studenti si mohou vybírat volitelné předměty dle vlastního zájmu




Trnkova 125
Staňkov 34561
[email protected]
+420 773 971 313

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Where to find us

Trnkova 125
Staňkov 34561

Route planner

Trnkova 125 Staňkov 34561