Náměstí Svobody 35,
38701 Volyně
Product offer:
-mineral feed for cattle, pigs, poultry, goats, sheep,
-premixes for pigs and poultry
-mineral licks for cattle, sheep, horses
-complete feed for pigs, horses, calves
-medical complete feed for piglets
-milk compound feed for calves
-preservatives in compound feed
-preservative preparations for grain
-ecological products
-mycotoxin scavengers
-silage preparations (biological, chemical, biological
chemical) bulk feed
-silage preparations for feed for biogas plants
-mixture of micronutrients for biogas plants.
Service offer:
-free advice on animal nutrition
-consulting biology of biogas plant fermentation
-publishing of the magazine "Success in the stable" (for customers
free - we send by mail)
-laboratory analysis of canned feeds
-creation and optimization of feed rations.
Scope of the company:
- a network of consultants operating throughout the Czech Republic.

  • krmiva a doplňky výživy, péče o psy, kočky a koně, akvaristika a teraristika, ptáci a hlodavci
  • krmivo pro psy, krmivo pro kočky, krmivo pro hlodavce, krmivo pro želvy, chovná prasata, chovný skot, chovné krávy, chovné kozy, chovné ovce
  • pomalu rozpustné hnojiva, pesticidy, minerální hnojiva, stimulátory růstu rostlin, kombinovaná hnojiva, přípravky na ochranu rostlin

Czech Companies
Breeders' equipment, Feed, Agricultural chemicals and fertilizers