Svárovská 619,
46001 Liberec - Liberec XI-Růžodol I
The company VÚTS Liberec, a.s. focuses on research, development and manufacturing of machinery and equipment for the manufacturing industry in the field of machining, textile, printing, food, packaging and medical technology. We are engaged in automation, development, design and construction of special purpose machines, manipulators, conveyors and testing equipment also for the automotive industry.

Development, construction, production:
 - single-purpose machines
 - textile machines
 - handling equipment, manipulators for machining centers
 - control preparations
 - measuring technology in the field of textile technology
 - axial and radial cams
 - stepping gearboxes
 - electronic cams
 - flexible couplings.

Single-purpose machines:
 - leak check stations
 - washing lines
 - assembly stations
 - forming machines
 - test and control stations.

Textile machines:
 - weaving machines
 - spinning machines and equipment
 - development of textile technologies and machines.

 - testing of mechanical properties of materials
 - development, design and manufacture of machinery and equipment
 - measuring and assembly workplace for inspection and assembly of brake and fuel pipes
 - numerical simulations of stress, strain, current and temperature fields
 - measurement and analysis of noise and vibration reduction, measurement and analysis of mechanical and mechatronic systems
 - a record of rapid events
 - Custom 3D measurement
 - 3D printing
 - prototype and custom production according to drawings
 - Material research and tests
 - translation of technical texts.

Engineering Research Development Center:
 - we develop knowledge and procedures in designing machinery and equipment in the manufacturing industry.

Laser Application Center:
 - research and development of laser technologies in engineering.

We provide comprehensive services ranging from research and development, design design to the implementation of a complete technological unit. We have a mechanical workshop and we are able to realize our own and custom production.
The company VÚTS Liberec, a.s. Svárovská 619, Liberec XI- Růžodol I.




  • snímače teploty, měření vodivosti, regulátory a tlakoměry, servomotory a čidla, montáž měřidel
  • automatizované montážní linky, pojízdné manipulátory, paletizační buňky, obráběcí linky, výroba jednoúčelových zařízení
  • cnc obráběcí linky, obráběcí centra, svářecí technika, soustruhy a frézy, lisy na kov
  • šicí stroje, vyšívací stroje, řezací stroje na kůži, ořezávací zařízení, pásové pily na kůži, fixační technika, žehlicí technika, drukovací technika
  • vědeckovýzkumná činnost, inovační programy, tvůrčí práce, rozšíření oborových znalostí

Czech Companies
Measuring and control equipment, Single-purpose and special machines, Machinery and equipment for engineering, metalworking, Machinery for textile and leather industry, Research and development