ZVO s.r.o.
člen skupiny ZVO Group
Company ZVO s.r.o. is engaged in crop production. We focus on growing and selling field vegetables, potatoes and cereals. We are a member of ZVO Group, which currently manages 4300 ha of agricultural land.
Crop production, cultivation, sale:
- vegetables
- cereals
- forage crops.
Vegetable production:
- potatoes
- celery
- onions
- Chinese cabbage
- cabbage
- kohlrabi
- cauliflower
- parsley
- radishes
- salad
- lettuce
- White cabbage
- Red cabbage
- broccoli
- beetroot
- romanesco
- zucchini.
Cereals and fodder crops:
- oilseed rape
- maize
- sugar beet
- millet.
Head office ZVO s.r.o. is located at Přerov nad Labem 415, Nymburk district.
Crop production, cultivation, sale:
- vegetables
- cereals
- forage crops.
Vegetable production:
- potatoes
- celery
- onions
- Chinese cabbage
- cabbage
- kohlrabi
- cauliflower
- parsley
- radishes
- salad
- lettuce
- White cabbage
- Red cabbage
- broccoli
- beetroot
- romanesco
- zucchini.
Cereals and fodder crops:
- oilseed rape
- maize
- sugar beet
- millet.
Head office ZVO s.r.o. is located at Přerov nad Labem 415, Nymburk district.
Specializujeme se na pěstování a prodej polní zeleniny
Naše zelenina pochází z nejúrodnější oblasti Polabí
Náš sortiment zahrnuje brambory, salát, květák i zelí
Veškerá naše zelenina je pěstována podle IPZ a podle standardů GLOBAGAP
Legumes and oil plants Cereals, straw, fodder Technical crops Vegetables
Pekingské zelí
Pěstování cuket
Živočišná výroba
Rostlinná výroba
Pěstování zeleniny