Havlíčkova 624, 29301 Mladá Boleslav Wholesale, retail, sale: - metalworking machines. Programming of control systems Robot programming and robotics Automation Tightening and intelligent technology
Products manipulační roboty, drobná robotika, vysoce přesné roboty, teleskopické manipulátory strojírenské stroje, kovoobráběcí stroje, soustruhy na kov, pily na kov, vrtačky na kov, frézky na kov, brusky na kov Czech Companies Industrial robots and manipulators, Machinery and equipment for engineering, metalworking
HELTOS a.s. Desktop drills and drill presses with a fixed frame - delivery and servicing in the Czech Republic
SUMMA spol. s r.o. Machines and equipment for degreasing components and parts after machining, hardening, the Czech Republic
Blumenbecker Prag s.r.o. Industrial cameras and machine vision Prague - industrial cameras with many distinguishing parameters, the Czech Republic