Brno - Horní Heršpice
Bohumín - Nový Bohumín
Velká nad Veličkou
Liberec XVI - Nový Harcov
Czech Companies
Dishes and kitchen utensils,
Home electric appliances,
Cameras and accessories,
Toiletries and cosmetics,
Hardware, Ironmongery,
Glass, china and ceramics,
Abrasive materials,
Metal semifinished products
Do you think that first spring rays are harmless and that you can get sunburnt only in the summer? A mistake. Although intensity of spring sun is milder than in summer, our skin is not ready for UV rays yet and it can be sunburnt easily. Stake on products with an appropriate factor to prevent unpleasantly reddish skin. Novelty on the market Trioderm Sun spray for tanning SPF 20 from Aveflor company protects skin against sunburn and skin cells from aging caused by sunlight.