Dvorská 161,
50311 Hradec Králové
D.E.E.D., JSC.

-the producer and supplier of prefabricated houses
-conventional wooden buildings
-technology of so-called sacrificial formwork "D- Lith"
-fabrication of roof trusses
-production satisfies the relevant regulations EU, DIN, CSN
-type houses, modifications of type house design are possible
-use of individual project
-building components from natural materials
-material certification
-very good thermal insulating features
-compliance with hygienic and fire standards
-regular quality control
Bundesgütegemeinschaft Montagebau und Fertighaus e. V. (German inspectional and certification office for a production of prefabricated houses)
-sound insulation DIN 4109, thermal insulation DIN 4108, fire prevention DIN 4102
-turnkey realization
-advisory services, consultations.