Lhotka 145,
56002 Česká Třebová
Wholesale, retail, sales:
- work clothes:
- overalls (blues)-
- waist dungarees
- bib overalls
- overalls and dungarees
- coveralls, aprons, coats
- padded pants and coats (wadding jackets)
- white clothes, white program (medical, kitchen clothes and shoes)
- sewing color combinations to order
- jackets, vests, helmets, caps
- clothing and clothing for leisure time, clothing for fishermen, clothing for hunting, clothing for beekeepers, clothing for trempink.
- work shoes, boots
- ankle boots
- ankle boots
- wellies,
- sandals
- Winter footwear
- felts, etc.

  • chrániče očí, chrániče sluchu, ochranné brýle, svářečské brýle, svářečské kukly a zástěry, rukavice, pracovní obuv
  • profesní obleky, ochranné rukavice, bezpečnostní obuv, helmy a přilby, osobní ochranné pomůcky, uniformy a pracovní oblečení

Czech Companies
Protective working aids, Working clothes